• Presenting

    Robotic Sport Solutions

Project summary

Advanced cost effective sensors for outdoor navigation

Robotic Sport Solutions, RSS, develops autonomous mobile robots for maintenance purposes in sports. Navigation both indoor and outdoor in a dynamic environment is a challenging task especially when costs have to be kept to a minimum. With the combined competencies of DTI and Tecnalia, the goal of this voucher is to investigate existing navigation technology and develop tailored system and software for RSS's BallBot platform. This will enable the BallBot to navigate intelligently in a dynamic outdoor scene while keeping the BallBot production cost low. The concepts and methods investigated will be generally applicable to outdoor mobile robots in all sorts of applications and domains.

Robotic Sport Solution

Robotic Sport Solutions (RSS) has developed the BallBot, a mobile robot platform that thanks to its intelligent GPS-system collects golf balls on the driving range in the most efficient way. The BallBot is therefore a self-navigating platform that collects the balls laying around the driving range, making the golf picking task become fully autonomous. The platform can later be expanded with other applications such as lawn mowing, where the market is considered much bigger. The product RSS developed, is based on partly standard components and not least on a very strong market validity. The robot from RSS makes sports maintenance more efficient and enjoyable for the clubs’ members. RSS is a part of Odense Robotics’ StartUp Hub. 

Contribution from RTOs


  • Sensor survey
  • Data processing algorithms
  • Software development



  • Positioning system knowhow
  • Communication and sensor integration
  • Verification and validation of positioning systems

Impact (expected)

RSS’s robot will be aided in advanced navigation in a dynamic environment. Using of-the-shelf sensors will keep the production cost at a minimum. Additionally the investigation in alternative positioning systems will ensure lowest possible cost of expensive equipment for localization.

The development will ensure a technological edge and a compatible price compared to competitors and thereby help to a successful commercialization of the robot.
