AES wish to improve their assembly and inspection processes by investigating tooling and/or automation solutions for a range of products. The project is focusing on one of their higher volume contracts which includes the following tasks: Pick and place circuit board, quick connect circuit board to test platform; auto-run test; pick and place dependant on pass fail and place in plastic case. The time will be allocated to concept generation for 3 of these key assembly and inspection tasks, with the intention to cover all 5 if time allows. These 5 tasks were selected as many of the products supplied by AES will include these aspects.
Assembled Electronic Solutions Ltd
AES was established in 2009 with a focus on creating value for clients, using innovation, design and technology to bring new products to market or to extend the life-cycle of existing products.
With its origins in the UK manufacture of printed circuit boards for more than forty years, the AES ethos from the outset has been one of continuous improvement, investment and an open partnership approach with suppliers and clients who are actively encouraged to work closely with AES on an inclusive basis.
Contribution from RTOs
Fraunhofer IPA
Programming aspects of the auto-test function and other concepts
Review of Concepts and down-selection
Concept generation for the tasks selected
Assessment of concepts for feasibility with the customer
Rough order of magnetude cost calculation
CAD of concepts
Impact (expected)
After an analysis of the current production process functionalities, assembly tasks have been identified to develop a detailed concept for a (semi-)automated system for various functions focusing on the feasibility of automating the following processes: Pick and place circuit board, quick connect circuit board to test platform; auto-run test; pick and place dependant on pass fail, place in plastic case, and provide a ROM cost for each concept aspect.
An assembly time saving and ability to run more constantly is expected to be realized.